Especially for
I was born into a loving, open-minded family at the Bavarian/Thuringian border in Germany. My mother’s esthetic, her affinity for style, beauty and the performing arts, as well as my father’s highly developed physicalness (he was a successful competitive gymnast) have certainly left their traces over the course of my childhood years.  Nowadays, in my own family, I am surrounded by (equally beautiful and creative!) engineers, mathematicians and computer scientists, which makes a nice counter weight for my occupations 🙂
I’ve been involved in arts and entertainment as long as I can think back!
I have never had idols. Really, I’m not the ‘fan’-type, haha – but yeah, as a young child, I’ve been impressed by ABBA and Boney M, liked to watch old movies with actors like Heinz Rühmann, Hans Moser, Theo Lingen – later, I liked epic films like OUT OF AFRICA or THE COLOUR PURPLE but also fun movies like for example FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF. I’ve also always been inspired by the curiosity, bravery, satire, intelligence and humor of late night talk shows or cabarets on stage  – nowadays, it is productions like LÉON aka THE PROFESSIONAL, KING ARTHUR, LOU ANDREAS-SALOMÉ – THE AUDACITY TO BE FREE’ or series like BREAKING BAD and BAD BANKS as well as high quality documentaries that I admire.
First of all, life as a human being here on planet Earth really is the only and most important teacher. Then there are, depending on what kind of artist you want to be, skills, tools, techniques, tips and tricks to help you express what you wish to express. These can be acquired in a school/workshops/seminars etc… whatever there is on offer in your vicinity. Last but not least: Practice makes perfect, keep doing it! It is a life-long learning process, because WE are changing all the time.
I am very happy just the way I am at any given time 🙂 Celebrity would be important to me only if the world at large were benefiting from it.
There are always challenges, whether you are a parent, a doctor, a business person or an artist to deal and grow with them, that’s why we are here! So no, I don’t see any particular challenges related to gender or genre.
I’ve worked and lived in many countries, every single one is different. In general, it depends on the importance that is given a particular sector (i.e. the local film- or music industry, the performing arts etc..). In Luxembourg, my main residence, the performing arts as well as the film industry are well supported at present. As an artist, however, no matter where you are, the more versatile you are, the more you stand a chance to earn a living with what you love doing.
I have a clear feeling of what I want to do and what not. If I like the project, I approach it with an open mind, confidence and all my heart!
At present, I am learning (a lot of …) lines for a theater/cabaret show with our ensemble KABARETTMARSKLEIN, which will open on Oct. 22nd 2019. I am booked for voice jobs in December already, and, through great work with my fantastic agent PlayActors, there are exciting film and TV projects in the pipeline…
Articles: 604