Ewelina Niedźwiedź

-I’m not coming from family who is connected to show business: my mum was a nurse and my dad milling machine operator and a freelance photographer in the past before photography became digital. My sister is also into photography, but she is also a beautician and makeup artist. Now, my fiancé is from hospital industry. I think art was always somewhere in my heart.
-When I was fourteen a become a bit lonely at home and school, unfortunately I wasn’t raised in a super rich family and  were and because I didn’t have constant cash flow for brands cloths, restaurant etc. I became an outsider. Soon I get my first digital camera I could fit there only 10 photos but that was something I was able to take a photo and see it straight away. I start doing small photoshoot of myself using camera timer. And that way I become fascinated with modelling. I got my first, second and several professional photoshoots. I manage to get some pay jobs as model, and I think the biggest one was a big commercial for clothing from one of the biggest shopping centers at this time KTD in the capital Warsaw of Poland. My face ended up on the massive poster around all Warsaw and close locations. I also took a part in few beauty contest. 
Since I remember when I was a kid and I was alone at home I love to repeating lines from my favorite films or dancing and lipsing my favorite song in-front of the mirror. My favorite actors I have quite few every one had different influence on me I will give you three names;Johnny Depp – his way of changing like chameleon for his parts and giving them soul. Nicole Kidman – class but also showing that you have to be open to the point when you can make fun of your self and feel good about it. Eva Longoria- power and charisma in the small body, showing that impossible can become possible my favorite part Gabrielle Solis in my favorite TV series of all times Desperate Housewives. I remember I was even sending letters to producers, network ABC and asking if there is any chance they will have a part for me in the series, of course never happen but I like take risk. I didn’t get to exact school I wanted… I would say that public education at artistic universities so free is reserve only for rich kids with parents who have connections or super duper lucky. But this didn’t stop me, I get to school where I can learn art of acting I meet people who thought me lots of things about the profession but unfortunately I didn’t find a mentor… one of the professors whom I thought she could be the one, was caring more about those who only loudly talked whom she even helped to get parts. That’s why I was trying to motivate people to create our own project to show our self to industry… sad but it is true…My year had six graduated out of 25 people and I’m only one who is still acting, also I graduate as only one with the title of Ambassador AHE of the school. Right now, every part, every achievement is important to me. I always say “There is no small parts only small actors.”
I think for women’s is always a bit harder in this profession because of even situations which created the movement #me_too. When I was still back home but even here on London I get this kind of offers but I said no. Do I regret… no I like look at my self in the mirror if you know what I mean and plus I prefer to achieve things on my own.
-At the moment everything is frozen. I try to be creative I write few scripts for short film. I decided to learn play guitar and I write few songs to keep myself occupied.
For new works offered: I always asking lots of questions about production; who is involved, what’s the future of the project and of course script. At the moment you have lots of people up there who like to talk a lot or use you without giving back. Yet, at the moment I don’t have one which I can call “The One” I think this part is still waiting for me.
-At first, I created my Vlog to improve my English which helps a lot. Second… I just want share my experience, advice, give free lesson and find people crazy at my self to collaborate. I always advise newcomers: to be yourself, be strong, assertive never let anyone kill your dreams!
-If you love what you’re doing is very easy. I still at the moment where I’m not working full time as an actress, so I got second Job but believe me if you really want to chase your dreams there is no way in hell that any life situation will stop you. Plus I have big support from my fiancé and mom.
-We supposed now shooting film for NY film festival, but in current situation we have to wait. As I said I’m using this time to be creative and make new connections. I’m always posting news on my website www.ewelinaniedzwiedz.com in the newsroom please visit me there.
Articles: 604