Katrin the Thrill

Katrin the Thrill

-I was born Katerina Panopoulou is Athens Greece. My father was a civil engineer and my mother was a Tourist Guide. I don’t really have an artistic background in my family except from my grandmother who had a truly beautiful voice. When I was around five years-old, I was making up songs and my grandmother was encouraging me to perform them in front of her friends. I used to really enjoy these little shows. 
-I lost my mother when I was fifteen years-old, and that highly affected my world as you can imagine. Life did not make sense, and so I was searching for a meaning which I guess found it in music. It was the only way for me to express my feelings giving me the reason to keep on living. 
-John Wayne was my top favorite when I was young. Hahah..we used to watch a lot of westerns with my grandfather and I wanted to be a cowboy. 
-I can talk all day about studying and learning. In fact, I do. I am currently helping artists turn their passion into a successful career. I have always loved to help people express their creativity and full potential. And I was researching and studying this subject my whole life, I still do. I believe we are all creators. However, the difficult part is to become a successful creator. That’s a whole different kind of art. Most artists ignore this part. They focus on their art, but they don’t know what to do next. So, they just do random things that usually don’t help them stand out. The best advice that I could give to them is to study mindset, marketing and sales, as much as they study their art. 
-My life is very satisfying at the moment. I do exactly what I love and feel passionate doing. Worldwide stardom is not important to me. Believing that happiness comes from anything external only leads to unhappiness and frustration. 
-That’s a good question about gender issues. Perhaps it does, but I don’t really focus on this mindset so it does not manifest into my life. Even if it does, I do not see it.
-My biggest project at the moment is my Artists Coaching program. This is how I offer my time and creativity. And as my time is very limited, I am very selective with work projects offered to me at the moment. I give equal importance to my private and personal life
-Other than coaching artists, I also direct and play in a parody short film series called Lesviakes Istories. It’s a really fun project, and we won the audience best film award for one of the episodes. We are currently in a lockdown because of Covid-19, so any future plans will have to be adjusted. My music project is currently under re-construction and that gives me the absolute freedom to focus on the creative process. 
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