
Heloise Wilson

by Sherif Awad Hello This is actress Heloise Wilson Well,  I was raised in Europe (I now live in the States). I was born to a family of artist: my dad is a music composer, my...

Laura Vivancos

por Sherif Awad En mi familia solamente ha habido una persona que era actriz, hermana de mi abuela pero no llegué a conocerla. No tuve mucha orientación ni mucho apoyo en mi entorno pero...

Ana Cavallini

por Sherif Awad -Mi familia siempre llevó el arte en la sangre; mi abuela era escultora y pianista, tengo varios antepasados pintores, mi madre canta de toda la vida y mi padre tiene un gran...

Gabi Lemos

por Sherif Awad Primeiramente eu gostaria de agradecer o convite que me fez por poder contar um pouco a minha história. Meu nome é Gabi Lemos, tenho 25 anos, sou atriz, bailarina, roteirista...

Lucia Zimanova

by Sherif Awad Hello This is Lucia Zimanova, Well, I was born and brought up in Slovakia, that’s where I come from. However, I live in London permanently now. Since I was very...

Myrka Irais Hernandez

 by Sherif Awad She is a model and actress, New York based. Myrka is currently signed with Prestigious Models as well as Image Powerhouse, and she work as a promotional model and brand ambassador...

Susana Sampedro

Por Sherif Awad Hola!  -Nací en Santa Uxía de Ribeira, un pueblo costero de Galicia. Somos ocho hermanos, crecer en una familia numerosa marca, pero siempre tuve apoyo...

Viviana Mónica Nelli

Por Sherif Awad, Hola, Soy Viviana Mónica Nelli, de Argentina… -Siempre se escuchó radio en casa. Recuerdo que ocupaba un lugar en la mesa de la cocina. La radio...

Ginger Britt Daniels

by Sherif Awad Hello I am actress, singer Ginger Britt Daniels from the US. I grew up in the Midwest, in Indianapolis, IN. I started dancing at age five and quickly added...