María Pedroviejo

por Sherif Awad -En mi familia no hay antecedentes en el mundo de la interpretación. Algunas veces pienso que mi pasión por esto viene de las lecturas y los cuentos o de las películas que vi. Quién sabe. Lo que…

Yvette Fintland

by Sherif Awad -My background consists of lots of schooling from business courses to everything films. I come from a big Puerto Rican family of three brothers, Felix Ramos Jr, Jose Ramos and Ricardo Hernandez. My father Felix Ramos passed…

Jacqueline Cheung

by Sherif Awad  -I was born in a typical Hong Kong family. My father who has retired already was a civil servant before. He worked for the Printing Department for more than 30 years. My mother worked for a Japanese…

Amy Gokey

by Sherif Awad My name is Amy Gokey. I have been in the entertainment business for about two years. I am a single mom, photographer, painter, writer, director of photography, Director of film, a producer of independent films, an actress…

Esther Blanca

por Sherif Awad -Mi vocación por el arte se la debo a mis ancestras. Mi abuela biológica, Josefa, a la que no conocí en vida. Ella cantaba, bordaba y diseñaba ropa y tengo la suerte de usar varias de sus…

Emily Schooley

by Sherif Awad -I’ve been always a performer and storyteller, even from a very young age. I would make my family watch me put in plays in my backyard, where I used my Little Ponies to act out stories. I…

Alessandra Botticelli

di Sherif Awad -Alessandra Botticelli è il mio nome d’arte, sono un’ attrice. Sono nata a Torino dove vivo ma le mie origini sono siciliane. Nella splendida isola di Sicilia ho vissuto dai tre anni fino ai 21 con  la…

Josée Lanue

de Sherif Awad -Je suis née dans une famille catholique dans une zone rurale avec une nombre incroyable de cousins. Quand mon père rentrait du travail le soir, il s’installait devant la télé avec un Pepsi. Et il y restait…

Alice Lussiana Parente

by Sherif Awad She was born and raised in between the mountains of Piedmont and Turin (Italy) in an artistically inclined and creative household: her mom is an artisan and art teacher in middle school and her stepdad a pianist…

Giovanna Criscuolo

di Sherif Awad – ho iniziato a fare teatro a 16 anni perché ero una ragazza molto timida e non riuscivo a relazionarmi con gli altri, così attraverso la recitazione e l’espressione corporea ho cominciato a sentirmi più sicura.La mia…