Larissa Altafim
by Sherif Awad -I am Brazilian born but lived in Australia from a young age… I have always wanted to be an actress since I was very little but I never had the courage to do it because in my…
by Sherif Awad -I am Brazilian born but lived in Australia from a young age… I have always wanted to be an actress since I was very little but I never had the courage to do it because in my…
by Sherif Awad -I was born in Los Angeles, but spent 4 months every year in Germany, Switzerland and Austria among literary legends and politicians. My father, Dr. Cornelius Schnauber was an author, professor and cultural liaison. I was exposed…
por Sherif Awad –Tive a alegria de crescer numa família grande. Os Menegucci são muito especiais… Sou a caçula de quatro irmãos, somos em três mulheres e um homem. Nasci em Franca, interior de São Paulo, e aos meus 4…
por Sherif Awad -En mi familia no hay antecedentes en el mundo de la interpretación. Algunas veces pienso que mi pasión por esto viene de las lecturas y los cuentos o de las películas que vi. Quién sabe. Lo que…
by Sherif Awad -My background consists of lots of schooling from business courses to everything films. I come from a big Puerto Rican family of three brothers, Felix Ramos Jr, Jose Ramos and Ricardo Hernandez. My father Felix Ramos passed…
by Sherif Awad -I was born in a typical Hong Kong family. My father who has retired already was a civil servant before. He worked for the Printing Department for more than 30 years. My mother worked for a Japanese…
by Sherif Awad My name is Amy Gokey. I have been in the entertainment business for about two years. I am a single mom, photographer, painter, writer, director of photography, Director of film, a producer of independent films, an actress…
por Sherif Awad -Mi vocación por el arte se la debo a mis ancestras. Mi abuela biológica, Josefa, a la que no conocí en vida. Ella cantaba, bordaba y diseñaba ropa y tengo la suerte de usar varias de sus…
by Sherif Awad -I’ve been always a performer and storyteller, even from a very young age. I would make my family watch me put in plays in my backyard, where I used my Little Ponies to act out stories. I…
di Sherif Awad -Alessandra Botticelli è il mio nome d’arte, sono un’ attrice. Sono nata a Torino dove vivo ma le mie origini sono siciliane. Nella splendida isola di Sicilia ho vissuto dai tre anni fino ai 21 con la…