Jenn Gotzon Chandler

 by Sherif Awad Jenn Gotzon — speaker, producer, author, jewelry creator and award-winning actress — has a slate of movies on Amazonand appears in two Oscar Nominated films. She is best known for her leading lady work in faith-based films:…

Mina Manojlović

by Sherif Awad   -I was born in Belgrade, Serbia. With my family, we lived in Budapest, where I went to primary school and enrolled in danced and ballet classes. Since the age of seven, I dreamed of becoming an…

Olivia Mia Orozco

by Sherif Awad -I always tell people I grew up in a house of four artists. My parents and brother felt more like collaborators than family at times. My mom was my first dance teacher. I was dancing before I…

Alexandrine Maurice

de Sherif Awad -Bonjour à tous, ravie de vous rencontrer ! Je m’appelle Alexandrine Maurice. Je suis née en 1990 dans l’Est de la France. Je suis atteinte d’une pathologie génétique nommée « amyotrophie spinale ». Celle-ci a provoqué chez…

Rosslyn Partré

por Sherif Awad 0Crecí en una familia numerosa, con mucho amor y muchas dificultades. En aquella época cualquier cosa te daba una gran satisfacción, por ejemplo que los reyes magos te trajeran una pizarra y tizas de colores. O un…

Jennifer Rubio

por Sherif Awad Desde que tengo uso de razón dedico mis días a escribir poesía, guiones, historias y a interpretar escenas en mi imaginario. Desde pequeña formaba parte del grupo de teatro del colegio. Mi padre también escribía poesía y…

Lucimara Di Cali

por Sherif Awad -Vim de uma família cheia de artistas, o meu vô era do circo, tocava acordeão, os meus tios e primas são cantoras, enfim, desde pequena era induzida a arte musical, mas apesar de toda a ligação com…

Cynda Williams

 by Sherif Awad -I always say my hometown is Chicago, IL, USA because I was born there, but I was actually conceived in Muncie, IN. My parents, Charles K. Williams and Beverly A. Williams met in Muncie through their prospective…

Sara Souza

por Sherif Awad  -Nací en una familia de artistas. Mi madre fue una gran actriz, bastante reconocida; Pilar Souza; y mi padre un gran bailarín clásico; José Mancillas. Así que, crecí en los escenarios cuando acompañaba a mis papás a…

Valentina Boleto

di Sherif Awad -Sono Toscana nata a Siena ma cresciuta a Grosseto nella mia amata maremma. Figlia unica ho trascorso la mia infanzia circondata dall’amore della mia famiglia a cui sono molto legata. Mio padre e mia madre vivono ancora…