Theresa Tschira

Photography by Oliver Exner As the only child of a sociologist and a social worker, it might come as a surprise that I knew very early on in my life that I wanted to be onstage. My parents patiently endured…

Khatoon Panahi

de Sherif Awad Je suis Khatoon Panahi, Chanteuse, Conteuse, Danseuse Iranienne. Née dans une famille nombreuse de 7 garçons et 2 filles dont la plus petite de cette famille. Parmi mes frères, il y avait quelques-uns qui étaient dans les…

Patricia Arizmendi

por Sherif Awad -Mi familia no pertenece al mundo del cine, la música o el teatro. Se dedican a otras profesiones. Es un tanto misterioso que me quisiera dedicar a ello desde pequeña. Por parte de mi padre si hay…

Magda (Nour Alkamar) Ribeiro

por Sherif Awad -Grande parte da minha família essencialmente materna era ligada ao mundo artístico seja através de pintura, desenho, poesia, música. Desde tenra idade que o meio artístico foi algo que, sempre me deu um gosto enorme. Apesar de…

Nina Martina

by Sherif Awad I was born in San Francisco, California, the youngest of four. My parents were from the Philippines but my father’s father was an American. I grew up in the Bay Area for most of my life then…

Lada Egorova

de Sherif Awad -Je suis née en Russie et j’ai ensuite déménagé en France à l’age de 4 ans. Ma famille n’a rien avoir avec le domaine du cinéma et de l’art en général. Je me souviens quand je suis…

Mathilde Dehaye

She is Amity in the J.J. Abrams & Stephen King series CASTLE ROCK, among several TV series and film appearances. Before venturing into acting and writing, Mathilde Dehaye was raised in a multicultural environment, surrounded by her Russian grandfather, German…