by Sherif Awad -My mother is half-Lebanese and my father is half-Dutch, both immigrants. I grew up in a lovely arts and crafts home in Hightstown, New Jersey. My father is a brilliant pianist and so I grew up singing…

Veronica Zucchi

di Sherif Awad -Sono friulana, di Palmanova (Udine). Mio padre Alberto è un avvocato civilista e mia madre Gabriella era un’insegnante elementare. Mamma purtroppo ci ha lasciati presto. I molti libri in casa, i dipinti e i silenzi inquieti di…


by Sherif Awad Annie Friedman, Swimwear Creative Designer  -Born in France in 1960 in Nancy, the Lorraine region close to the German border, I immigrated to Israel with my family in 1970 for ideological reasons, where I live and work…

Tess Spentzos

by Sherif Awad She was born into the film business, the family name synonymous with film in Greece; her grandfather, a film director, producer and distributor having founded Spentzos Films in the 1940s; his three sons carrying on the company…

Rony Joeliah

Bonjour Je suis Rony Joeliah, je suis mannequin et actrice, mais j’aime créer avant tout. Je me suis lancée dans la mode afin de pouvoir exploiter mon potentiel en tant qu’artiste. Le temps me dira si j’ai eu raison.…

Ashly M. Chacko >>

by Sherif Awad I was born twenty-five years ago to a moderate family in Kerala, India. With my two younger brothers and my parents, we are a very cute family with no resources like a home or land etc… All…


by Sherif Awad -From the first time I watched ballet on TV I loved it!! I was four years-old and I asked my mother immediately when I will start ballet! I started ballet lessons at the age of six. During…

Marina Pennafina

di Sherif Awad -Ho iniziato ad avvicinarmi al teatro per curiosità e per vincere la mia timidezza, ma da li a poco è diventata una vera e propria passione e necessità espressiva. Avere la possibilità attraverso la propria anima di…

Emma Meyrowitz >>

by Sherif Awad -I Grew up in the countryside of Yorkshire and so most of my childhood revolved around animals and being outside. The first thing I ever wanted to be was a vet. But fast forward a few years,…


por Sherif Awad -A família do meu pai é de imigrantes italianos, daí meu sobrenome, Airoldi. A família da minha mãe já é de portugueses, e os chamados “judeus novos”. Sou filha de professores universitários, químicos. Sou a terceira filha…