Marina Pennafina

di Sherif Awad -Ho iniziato ad avvicinarmi al teatro per curiosità e per vincere la mia timidezza, ma da li a poco è diventata una vera e propria passione e necessità espressiva. Avere la possibilità attraverso la propria anima di…

Emma Meyrowitz >>

by Sherif Awad -I Grew up in the countryside of Yorkshire and so most of my childhood revolved around animals and being outside. The first thing I ever wanted to be was a vet. But fast forward a few years,…


por Sherif Awad -A família do meu pai é de imigrantes italianos, daí meu sobrenome, Airoldi. A família da minha mãe já é de portugueses, e os chamados “judeus novos”. Sou filha de professores universitários, químicos. Sou a terceira filha…

Beatrice Picariello >>

by Sherif Awad -From which I remember I was interested in art. When I was only four years-old on the carpet at home, I did somersaults, wheels, splits and also I loved dressing up, parading with my mother’s heels along…

Romina Caruana >>

by Sherif Awad  Actress/Author/Host/Producer/Founder of Mimi Tales Productions.  -I was born and raised in Sicily, my father is a Pediatrician, my mother is a housewife. I’m the second of four children, my brothers are drummers and music is everything for…

Pauline Thullier-Girard >>

de Sherif Awad Elle est l’auteur de “Compte à rebours et lèvres intempérées”, 2014  (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) et la réalisatrice/comédienne de “MA POTE”, 2019 (YouTube). En cours : production 1er saison d’une web-série / publication recherche anthropologique (mémoire de…

Elena Berera >>

di Sherif Awad -Io nasco a Roma da una modesta e semplice famiglia. Da bambina volevo dedicarmi all’arte della bellezza volevo aprire un centro estetico e trasformare ogni difetto nel più prezioso gioiello da mostrare senza stravolgere le proprie fattezze…

Rona Hartner >>

de Sherif Awad -Je suis née à Bucarest pour une famille d’artistes peintres. J’ai vite eu le désir de chanter du gospel et du jazz, et d’écrire des paroles de musique des légendes et des poèmes. Ma famille a commencé…