Mardi Edge

by Sherif Awad -I was interested in acting from my first school play, although my school was not particularly interested in the Arts. Later, I was scouted in the street at 18 to model, and had a successful modelling career…

Vera Bonilha

por Sherif Awad -Nasci em São Paulo, Brasil. Sou de família de descendentes Italianos e Portugueses, sou filha única e a caçula da minha família. Sempre morei numa cidade grande e urbana, São Paulo, mas passava todas as minhas férias…

Merry Beye Diouf

par Sherif Awad -Mon passé est relativement calme, je suis issue d’une famille de 4 enfants dont je suis l’aînée. Mon père est métis sénégalo-vietnamien et ma mère est peulh-walo walo. Je suis une ancienne pratiquante d’art martiaux dont le…

Dicas da Maia

por Sherif Awad -Meu nome é Josi Maia, sou brasileira e nasci no interior de Minas Gerais, em uma cidade histórica e berço do Teatro de Revista, a cidade de São João Del Rei.  Desde muito nova sempre fui apaixonada…

Diane Martin

de Sherif Awad -J’ai été depuis toute petite initiée aux arts. A la maison, il y avait un piano, un orgue et j’ai commencé vers quatre ans le violoncelle. Dans ma famille, il y a eu des peintres, des amoureux…

Queen Kat

by Sherif Awad -I have a background in the medical field and research. I graduated as a Medical Doctor (M.D.) from Iran and I also have done tons of research in different fields of clinical medicine. I have published papers…

Claris Motho

par Sherif Awad -Je me souviens que c’était à l’âge de cinq ans dont j’ai commencé à aimer la danse. Quand on mettait la musique à la maison ou pendant les fêtes, je dansais comme si c’était une compétition à…

Shartiera Wilkerson

by Sherif Awad I grew up in a very close knit household at a rough neighborhood. My parents created an upbringing that was well-rounded…I was protected but not sheltered, exposed to but not entrenched in the lifestyle that was around…

Gaia (Tiziana Imparato)

di Sherif Awad La mia è una famiglia numerosa, sono la terza di quattro figli ma sono l’unica “PRINCIPESSA DELLA CASA. I miei fratelli? Tutti maschi!!!!! La passione per l’arte l’ho ereditata da mia madre, sin da piccola guardavo con…