The arts and creativity of women worldwide:
Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.

Articles by Sherif M. Awad (

Gaia Dellisanti

 di Sherif Awad Ciao Sono Gaia Dellisanti Attrice professionista dal 2004. Scrittrice sceneggiature teatrali e racconti brevi. Ho iniziato a recitare amatorialmente quando...

Benike Palfi

by Sherif Awad Benike Palfi by Kass Photography  Hello! This is Benike Palfi… I’m a German-Hungarian born and raised in Namibia in Southern Africa. Since...

Stefania Depeppe

di Sherif Awad Ciao Sono, Stefania Depeppe, artista italiana. Vengo, in parte, da una famiglia di artisti. Sono cresciuta in mezzo alla musica con un nonno pianista, concertista...

Vida Santos

por Sherif Awad Olá  Sou, atriz do Brasil. Eu cresci num sítio, minha família materna é de origem rural, meu pai trabalhava com trator de esteira, morei...

Nozuko Nkosiyane

by Sherif Awad Hello! My name is Nozuko Nkosiyane. I grew up in Queenstown in the Eastern Cape… I was raised by my grandmother who passed away  in 2008. I was actually...

Jessica Ferro

di Sherif Awad Ciao Sono Jessica Ferro, attrice teatro e cinema La passione per la recitazione fa parte di me da sempre. Ricordo che all’asilo, le maestre per la recita di...

Linde Myncke

by Sherif Awad Hello This is Linde Myncke, a non-verbale communicatie inspirator...

Angel Princess

by Sherif Awad Hello This is Angel Princess from the USA.  I was born and raised in the Midwest, Chicago and Missouri. My mother is East Indian and my father is Caucasian...

Vanessa Tor

by Sherif Awad Hello, This is actress Vanessa Tor. I was raised in a humble family and lived until I was 20 years old in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, a city near Barcelona...