The arts and creativity of women worldwide:
Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.

Articles by Sherif M. Awad (
de Sherif Awad -Je n’aime pas particulièrement parler du passé, le présent m’intéresse bien plus. Le passé ne nous définit pas forcément même...
by Sherif Awad Last year, we published an interview with singer/actress Kameliya Afshari about his influences, beginnings and the current situations of the music scenes in France. KAMELIYA...
by Sherif Awad Last June, published an interview actress/singer Dimitra Kontou who spoke about her upbringing in Greece, her interest singing and acting, her studies and her travel to France where is...
by Sherif Awad She is an Indian theater actress, best known for her role in Munshi Premchand’s play Kafan. She has been working in Gujarati plays for past four years including the play Thakorji...
di Sherif Awad -Nel mio background, ad essere onesti, c’è anche il teatro: i miei genitori facevano parte di una compagnia teatrale amatoriale che portava in scena le commedie di Eduardo...
by Sherif Awad I am Melissa Lockwood a Brooklyn, NY based Artist/Environmental Activist. I made all the garments show in the photos and I made them with fabrics fashion designers threw away. My...
por Sherif Awad -Comencé de muy joven como actriz de musicales en teatro, haciendo telenovelas en mi país (Argentina). Me formé en todas las disciplinas relacionadas a la comedia...
de Sherif Awad -Mes deux grands-parents étaient pianiste de Jazz, autodidactes. Ma grand-mère jouait du piano à l’age de quatre ans. Je n’ai malheureusement pas suivi leur...
by Sherif Awad -I am Brazilian born but lived in Australia from a young age… I have always wanted to be an actress since I was very little but I never had the courage to do it because in my head...