The arts and creativity of women worldwide:
Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.

Articles by Sherif M. Awad (

Letizia Dispare

di Sherif Awad -E’ difficile trovare il momento preciso in cui ho iniziato ad interessarmi all’arte; da piccolina ero già rapita dal canto, dalla recitazione, dalla scrittura e nei...

Laura Styrka

by Sherif Awad -I am an only child, born to a landscape gardener mother and journalist father. Although based in London, a lot of my childhood years were spent travelling, especially to New Zealand...

Pherlha Aguilar

Por Sherif Awad -​Pues les cuento  un poco,  vengo de  una  familia pequeña,  mi mama se divorció  cuando  yo era muy  pequeña y ...

Fernanda Sato

by Sherif Awad -I am Fernanda Sato from Brazil: my biological father was born in Japan and my biological mother is a typical Brazilian mix between Portuguese and the native people from here. I was...

Ewelina Niedźwiedź

by Sherif Awad -I’m not coming from family who is connected to show business: my mum was a nurse and my dad milling machine operator and a freelance photographer in the past before photography...

Natalia Bilbao

by Sherif Awad -I’m from Bilbao, a city in Spain. I grew up in a very loving and supportive environment and even though I was always very creative and performance driven, I was a semi pro tennis...


di Sherif Awad –Il mio percorso artistico ha inizio all’età di 4 anni, dove il mondo dell’arte è penetrato nelle mie vene con i primi piccoli passi di danza e da lì...

Sandy Delasalle-Scannella

de Sherif Awad Je suis née à Cannes d’une maman suisse et un père français. Depuis petite, ma vie était la danse. J’ai toujours adoré m’exprimer et...

Martine Borg

-J’ai vécu la plus grande partie de mon enfance et de mon adolescence à Gallargues-le-Montueux, un charmant petit village gardois.  J’aimais m’y promener dans les...