The arts and creativity of women worldwide:
Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.

Articles by Sherif M. Awad (
by Sherif Awad -I am Fernanda Sato from Brazil: my biological father was born in Japan and my biological mother is a typical Brazilian mix between Portuguese and the native people from here. I was...
by Sherif Awad -I’m not coming from family who is connected to show business: my mum was a nurse and my dad milling machine operator and a freelance photographer in the past before photography...
by Sherif Awad -I’m from Bilbao, a city in Spain. I grew up in a very loving and supportive environment and even though I was always very creative and performance driven, I was a semi pro tennis...
di Sherif Awad –Il mio percorso artistico ha inizio all’età di 4 anni, dove il mondo dell’arte è penetrato nelle mie vene con i primi piccoli passi di danza e da lì...
de Sherif Awad Je suis née à Cannes d’une maman suisse et un père français. Depuis petite, ma vie était la danse. J’ai toujours adoré m’exprimer et...
-J’ai vécu la plus grande partie de mon enfance et de mon adolescence à Gallargues-le-Montueux, un charmant petit village gardois. J’aimais m’y promener dans les...
by Sherif Awad -I was born into a very musical and artistic family. My parents were considered somewhat celebrity in our small town with my mother being a classical pianist and artist/painter...
di Sherif Awad -Nata a Torino, cresco in una famiglia di semplici commercianti in un piccolo paese della provincia torinese, con altri due fratelli, nessun legame apparente con l’arte in...
di Sherif Awad Ciao! Sono Marilena Ravaioli, una giovane donna cha abita in una città italiana vicino alla capitale, Roma. Da bambina ho condotto una vita gioiosa, a contatto con la natura con...