The arts and creativity of women worldwide:
Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.

Articles by Sherif M. Awad (

Maria Duarte (Miss Mary Dee)

por Sherif Awad -Sempre fui apaixonada pela representação, pela música, pelos filmes antigos, pelas telenovelas brasileiras…  Fechava-me no quarto a representar cenas dos...

Emily Rosario

by Sherif Awad -I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. My great grandmother immigrated to New York from Puerto Rico. I grew up with my mother and father who also had both Puerto Rican heritage;...

Simona di Sarno

di Sherif Awad Io sono nata a Napoli in un quartiere periferico ,Ponticelli, non ho conosciuto mio padre fino ai 18 anni ,quindi sono cresciuta con una madre single che doveva lavorare ed io ero...

Angela Mia: Bellydancer

de Sherif Awad Je m’appelle Angela, née en France, de parents portugais. J’ai commencé très tôt à m’intéresser à la danse : toute petite, ma...

Arántzazu Ruiz

Por Sherif Awad -Nací en Vila-seca, un pueblo de la provincia de Tarragona, en el seno de una familia trabajadora. Estudié en la escuela pública y eso me inculcó el valor del...

Deise Paz-PCD

por Sherif Awad -SOU GAÚCHA DE NOVO HAMBURGO-RS. Família com descendência italiana. Vim para São Paulo através da TOYOTA, trabalhava em porto alegre e obtive uma oportunidade...

Francesca De Martini

di Sherif Awad -Nella mia famiglia non c’era nessuno che lavorava nel cinema o in teatro,  però  c’è sempre stata una grande attenzione per l’arte, il cinema e...


by Sherif Awad -I was born in Monterrey, Mexico to “Mexican” parents.  My mother is from Spanish-French descent while my father is Italian-Arab. I was three years-old when we moved...

Faye Yvette McQueen

by Sherif Awad -I was born and raised in Jamaica, NYC as the middle of two other siblings. I then attended Catholic school and took dancing lessons as a young girl. Had a happy childhood. Traveled to...