The arts and creativity of women worldwide:
Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.

Articles by Sherif M. Awad (

Beatrice Picariello >>

by Sherif Awad -From which I remember I was interested in art. When I was only four years-old on the carpet at home, I did somersaults, wheels, splits and also I loved dressing up, parading with my...

Supermodel Caty Bigot (Camélea) Wemmert, France

de Sherif Awad -L’aîné de parents séparés et un frère plus jeune de 22 mois d’écard. C’est en 2013, un photographe me contacte pour une séance...

Romina Caruana >>

by Sherif Awad  Actress/Author/Host/Producer/Founder of Mimi Tales Productions.  -I was born and raised in Sicily, my father is a Pediatrician, my mother is a housewife. I’m the...

Pauline Thullier-Girard >>

de Sherif Awad Elle est l’auteur de “Compte à rebours et lèvres intempérées”, 2014  (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) et la...

Elena Berera >>

di Sherif Awad -Io nasco a Roma da una modesta e semplice famiglia. Da bambina volevo dedicarmi all’arte della bellezza volevo aprire un centro estetico e trasformare ogni difetto nel più...

Rona Hartner >>

de Sherif Awad -Je suis née à Bucarest pour une famille d’artistes peintres. J’ai vite eu le désir de chanter du gospel et du jazz, et d’écrire des paroles de...

Gabriella Greison >>

di Sherif Awad -Da piccola mi piaceva smontare gli oggetti, volevo sapere come funzionavano, volevo scoprire come erano stati costruiti, e chi aveva avuto l’idea di crearli. La scienza ha...

Maria Sofia Palmieri >>

by Sherif Awad -My parents are both journalists at a major Italian newspaper. They are writers too. My father has written a lot of books while my mother has written many plays for theater. They...

Kainaaz Pervez >>

by Sherif Awad -I am Persian and have a Russian blood in me from my father’s side raised in India and Canada .As a child I used to stand in front of the mirror and talk to myself getting into...