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Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.
Articles by Sherif M. Awad (
by Sherif Awad -I was born in Liverpool, England to a very close family. I am lucky enough to have always had supportive parents who encouraged me to try out all kinds of things. I went to lots of...
por Sherif Awad Fotógrafo: Fábio Audi Nasci em Salvador-Bahia-Brasil em 22 de março de 1982. Sou a segunda filha de quatro irmãos. Aos 5 anos, mudei-me com a família...
by Sherif Awad She is a best-selling author as well as an award-winning speaker and actress and identifies herself as an “edutainer.” She provides education, inspiration and...
por Sherif Awad -Empecé a sentirme interesada en las Artes desde muy joven. Tuve la suerte de conocer a unos cantantes como Claude François, Joe Dassin, con mi padre por el hecho de trabajar...
by Sherif Awad -My name is Sarah Brine and I am an actress from Ohio. No one in my family is in show business. When I decided that I wanted to be an actress, I was scared to tell my family and...
por Sherif Awad -Desde niña mis padres me llevaban mucho al teatro, al cine, me regalan muchos libros, yo escribía, actuaba, bailaba, cantaba; un poco de todo. Tuve una infancia con mucho...
by Sherif Awad -I have always been a performer. As a toddler I was always dancing around the house and my parents thought it would be a great idea to send me to a ballet class. I loved it and a couple...
de Sherif Awad Enfant unique, Isabelle a débuté ses cours de ballet jazz à l’âge de trois ans. Elle a dansé jusqu’à l’âge de dix-huit ans...
de Sherif Awad -J’ai fait mes études en Bretagne car ma famille est installé dans cette belle région Française, j’avais envie d’être modèle photo...