The arts and creativity of women worldwide:
Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.

Articles by Sherif M. Awad (

‘Adriana Sheri’ Clark-Rambert

by Sherif Awad My background is African American, Mexican, and Native American descent. My mother is half Indian, half Mexican from Mexico, and my father is African American from Compton, CA. My...

Suzanne Roche

by Sherif Awad -I was born in Liverpool, England to a very close family. I am lucky enough to have always had supportive parents who encouraged me to try out all kinds of things. I went to lots of...

Lis Luciddi

por Sherif Awad Fotógrafo: Fábio Audi Nasci em Salvador-Bahia-Brasil em 22 de março de 1982. Sou a segunda filha de quatro irmãos.  Aos 5 anos, mudei-me com a família...

Angela Golden Bryan

by Sherif Awad She is a best-selling author as well as an award-winning speaker and actress and identifies herself as an “edutainer.” She provides education, inspiration and...

Paloma Pastor

por Sherif Awad -Empecé a sentirme interesada en las Artes desde muy joven. Tuve la suerte de conocer a unos cantantes como Claude François, Joe Dassin, con mi padre por el hecho de trabajar...

Sarah Brine

by Sherif Awad  -My name is Sarah Brine and I am an actress from Ohio. No one in my family is in show business. When I decided that I wanted to be an actress, I was scared to tell my family and...


por Sherif Awad -Desde niña mis padres me llevaban mucho al teatro, al cine, me regalan muchos libros, yo escribía, actuaba, bailaba, cantaba; un poco de todo. Tuve una infancia con mucho...

Vivien Taylor

by Sherif Awad -I have always been a performer. As a toddler I was always dancing around the house and my parents thought it would be a great idea to send me to a ballet class. I loved it and a couple...

Isabelle Juneau

de Sherif Awad Enfant unique, Isabelle a débuté ses cours de ballet jazz à l’âge de trois ans. Elle a dansé jusqu’à l’âge de dix-huit ans...