The arts and creativity of women worldwide:
Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.

Articles by Sherif M. Awad (

Diane Martin

de Sherif Awad -J’ai été depuis toute petite initiée aux arts. A la maison, il y avait un piano, un orgue et j’ai commencé vers quatre ans le violoncelle. Dans ma...

Queen Kat

by Sherif Awad -I have a background in the medical field and research. I graduated as a Medical Doctor (M.D.) from Iran and I also have done tons of research in different fields of clinical medicine...

Claris Motho

par Sherif Awad -Je me souviens que c’était à l’âge de cinq ans dont j’ai commencé à aimer la danse. Quand on mettait la musique à la maison ou pendant...

Francesca Vegas (Parecida Angelina Jolie)

por Sherif Awad -Mi familia nadie tuvo ninguna profesión artística, yo he sido la primera de todos ellos, puedo decir que mi vocación fue a una edad muy temprana (sobre los 3 años)...

Shartiera Wilkerson

by Sherif Awad I grew up in a very close knit household at a rough neighborhood. My parents created an upbringing that was well-rounded…I was protected but not sheltered, exposed to but not...

Gaia (Tiziana Imparato)

di Sherif Awad La mia è una famiglia numerosa, sono la terza di quattro figli ma sono l’unica “PRINCIPESSA DELLA CASA. I miei fratelli? Tutti maschi!!!!! La passione per l’arte...

Silvia Gaillard

par Sherif Awad -Je suis née à Paris dans une famille d’artiste : mon père était André Gaillard, célèbre humoriste du duo « Les Frères Ennemis »...


by Sherif Awad -I was born in the Drenica region, a beautiful place with beautiful nature and historic heritage in Kosovo, a small country  in Southeastern Europe that gained its independence...

Biljana Obradović

by Sherif Awad -As a singer and songwriter from Serbia, music was actually my biggest and the first love of my childhood.My idols from childhood were: Frank Sinatra, John Travolta, Mariah Carey...