The arts and creativity of women worldwide:
Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.

Articles by Sherif M. Awad (
by Sherif Awad -I was born and raised in a loving 2 parent middle class family in Maryland with one older sibling, a brother. It was a fun environment. Lots of laughter and in many ways the...
by Sherif Awad I was born into a humble family of teachers in 1988 in southern Spain, Almería. It is a city dominated by a huge castle, La Alcazaba, built by the Arabs when they controlled what...
di Sherif Awad -Come si sa l’Italia è un Paese cattolico e, come da tradizione tra generazioni si è sempre tramandato il rito così anche la mia umile famiglia ha sempre praticato...
por Sherif Awad -Mi padre tenía un grupo de música, Los camareros formado desde muy pequeño, que en los años setenta y ochenta fue la sensación en la costa del sol. Mi madre...
by Sherif Awad -For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved storytelling in any form. As young girls, my sister and I used to have these complicated and elaborate story lines for our dolls to act...
by Sherif Awad -I was born in a small town in northern Spain, and grew up in another even more humble, at a time when, from a very young age, study was mandatory and learn to work inescapable...
by Sherif Awad -I am of Kurdish. I was born and raised in Switzerland as my parents had moved there in the 1980s. I am from a working class family: my mother worked as a cleaner, my dad first worked...
-Mi familia, descendientes de Italianos, siempre estuvo relacionado al arte, de algún modo. Con mis padres, cada vez que nos íbamos de vacaciones, una visita obligada era ir al teatro. Mi...
Por Sherif Awad -Creo que me he sentido atraída por las artes desde que tengo memoria. Siempre fueron una herramienta para expresarse (dibujando, cantando, actuando…) Mis padres...