The arts and creativity of women worldwide:
Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.

Articles by Sherif M. Awad (
by Sherif Awad Specially for -I was born in Basildon, Essex and have an older brother and 3 younger sisters. I love being from Essex! People have a preconceived notion of Essex...
par Sherif Awad Exclusivement pour -Je suis antillaise, née en Guadeloupe, j’ai vécu dès l’âge de 5 ans avec mes frères et soeur et ma...
Exclusivamente para por Sherif Awad Nací en Lima, Perú, mis abuelos eran inmigrantes italianos, nunca tuvieron pasión por las artes, pero por el lado de mi...
by Sherif Awad Specially for -Hello to all of you! I am Nikita, from Croatia, born in a beautiful town Rijeka, by the sea. I come from a civil family, I am a child of retired...
by Sherif Awad Especially for -I’ve always loved acting, I loved acting since I was a kid. I remember when I was six years old. I loved filming myself and making my...
by Sherif Awad Especially -The first time I realized I could sing was at a friend’s birthday. I randomly started singing this song and they all loved it so much that they...
by Sherif Awad Especially for – I come from a very underprivileged family. We always been poor but both my parents are artistic. They always gave me books to read and to...
by guest writer CHLOÉ BARNAVE Especially for -My name is Chloé Barnave and I was born in a mountain environment and modest. My parents worked very young and I was...
Exclusivamente para por Sherif Awad -O meu nome é Ana Sofia Gonçalves e sou actriz e cantora em Portugal. A minha família é de Coimbra, cidade...