The arts and creativity of women worldwide:
Articles and interviews by film critic Sherif M. Awad-Egypt-Ecuador.

Articles by Sherif M. Awad (
Exclusivamente para por Sherif Awad -Siempre he estado interesada en las artes. Desde muy pequeña, mi sueño era ser artista. Iba al circo siempre que podía para...
Exclusivamente para por Sherif Awad -Soy hija natural de un italiano inmigrante pero fui criada por la familia Pereyra Iraola, una de las familias patricias argentinas...
by Sherif Awad Especially for -I have a very tight knit family. I am 100% Greek and my culture is a big part of who I am. My family supports my endeavors and I’m pretty sure...
by Sherif Awad Exclusively for -I come from a creative background and have always been writing stories and performing– even in my early childhood. I always had a big...
Exclusivamente para por Sherif Awad -Vengo de una familia de actores, el tío de mi papá Jorge Negrete y mi Papá Carlos Ancira. Mi abuela materna Magda Guzmán...
par Sherif Awad Exclusivement pour Photo: Yann Saint-Pé. -Alors, je suis née en France d’une mère française et d’un père iranien. Mon...
by Sherif Awad Specially for I was born and brought up primarily in Delhi in India. Post my education, I was a banker at American Express then HSBC. My family is precious and...
-di Sherif Awad Specialmente per I miei genitori hanno fatto i genitori. Mio padre è venuto a mancare quando era ancora piccola. La sua assenza è stata un’enorme...
by Sherif Awad Specially for -I was born in Milan. My father is a book publisher and my mother a journalist (now they are both retired); I must say that I am very lucky, as I was...